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McKenzie Intelligence Services12/13/23 1:35 PM2 min read

Press release: MIS and LIMOSS, supported by the LMA, sign contract to extend provision of geospatial intelligence for Lloyd’s market

McKenzie Intelligence Services (MIS) and London Market Operations & Strategic Sourcing (LIMOSS) are pleased to announce the signing of a contract ensuring the continued provision of MIS services to the Lloyd’s market for 2024.      

MIS is a leading geospatial intelligence provider for the global insurance industry. For the past three years, MIS has equipped the Lloyd’s market with multi-sourced data and imagery, accessible through the Global Events Observer (GEO) platform, to help expedite claims decisions and facilitate faster payments across the Lloyd’s market ecosystem. GEO was initially developed to serve the needs of the Lloyd’s market and MIS has since expanded GEO's capabilities by leveraging innovative technologies and forging strategic partnerships with a number of data providers.  

Under the agreement established by LIMOSS and with support from the Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA), all qualifying Lloyd’s managing agents will retain uninterrupted access to GEO and other MIS services throughout the entirety of 2024. GEO will continue to bring direct and immediate benefits to exposure and claims management, underwriting and operations across the Lloyd’s market. 


Forbes McKenzie, CEO and Founder of MIS, said: “We are delighted to announce our collaboration with LIMOSS and the LMA on procuring this agreement. We look forward to serving the Lloyd’s market on a centralised basis for another year, delivering accelerated and reliable intelligence which will help insurers make confident decisions in the critical time following a catastrophic event. The effort behind this partnership does not go unnoticed, and we are extremely grateful for the teams at LIMOSS, the LMA and Lloyd’s who have materialised this opportunity.” 

Janine Powell, Claims Director at the LMA, said: “Continued access to MIS’ geospatial intelligence services through the GEO platform aligns with our commitment to engaging technology to augment the claims handling experience. This reaffirms our dedication to empowering managing agents with advanced tools for informed decision-making during critical moments, ultimately benefiting our entire market ecosystem.” 

Patrick Molineux, LIMOSS Managing Director, said: LIMOSS’s key role is to source, implement and run value-add market services for our customers. Acting upon direction from the LMA Claims Committee, this is another example where LIMOSS is partnering to deliver centralised services to our customers.  We look forward to the partnership with MIS and the GEO service.” 




About McKenzie Intelligence Services

McKenzie Intelligence Services (MIS) provides immediate post event, multi-sourced data and the military grade intelligence that creates dynamic and three-dimensional loss information. Using its proprietary Saas, geospatial platform, the Global Events Observer (GEO), MIS systematically tracks and responds to catastrophes. GEO has the ability to host a vastly broad dataset, including satellite and drone imagery, radar, mobile phone, ground, and sensor data. This raw data, it is vetted by trained and experienced former military intelligence analysts to ensure accuracy and then translated into something actionable, which means when clients receive the intelligence, they can rely upon it immediately rather than having to undertake additional work. MIS empower decision making in real time, vital in the immediate aftermath of a major event, whether from natural catastrophes or man-made conflicts, all involving multi- peril coverage. 


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For press-related enquiries, please contact: 

Simon Hayes, MD 

NextGen Communications  

E : [email protected] 

M : +44 (0)7771 516544